タイトル(掲載誌)Proceedings of the CEReS international symposium = CEReS国際シンポジウム資料集
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
[ABSTRACT]To improve independence, providing convenience and progress of business, and also to improve competitiveness and welfare of farmers, especially to towards AEC (ASEAN Economic Community), needs to be a strategy of the Indonesian government. Currently, the government of Indonesia has launched a program of SLC (Society Livestock Center). SLC is a growth center in area livestock commodities as a medium farm livestock development and animal health in which there is a certain population of animals owned by the majority of farmers who live in a village or more. SLC program will run as expected if it involves various elements of a public institution or non-profit to realize the Indonesian government innovation.This research conducted means of literature study, which authors find and compare the secondary data obtained from journals,textbooks and scientific article which reliable relevant Literature which used contains an explanation of the SLC and an explanation of the system Pentahelix and we try to analyze that for improving this idea and support this idea for implementation. SLC is agovernment program in the livestock sector,authors offer an idea to integrate the SLC with Penta helix system (academy, government, business, media and community). It is to collaborate all of the above elements to improve competitiveness, welfare and autonomy of Indonesian farmers to towards AEC. The impacts of integration of SLC with Pentahelix is to get the souvereignity on food, and improving competitiveness of farmer in AEC era.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)