並列タイトル等シュウフウ ニヨル コウ コウリツ フウリョク ハツデン ノ ケントウ
Study on Wind Collector for High-efficient of Wind Power Generator
タイトル(掲載誌)総合技術研究所研究報告=Bulletin of Research Institute for Industrial Technology.
一般注記出版タイプ: NA
Effective utilization and high-efficient power generation method of natural energy are widely studied for the global environmental protection. Recently, as one of them, the power generation method of environmental harmony type is noticed , and the wind power generation of small size and photovoltaic power generation are introducing widely in each home. However, it must be greatly dependent on the wind which is a natural phenomenon on the installation of the wind power generator. Therefore, enough examination is necessary on the installation point. In this paper, collection wind technique for the purpose of the high-efficient utilization of wind power generator is proposed. The examination is carried out by the computer simulation in respect of the effectiveness of proposal technique. Concretely, it is reported referring to the Aichi Institute of Technology campus model. The computer simulation using finite element method is carried out for selecting the effective point of collection wind.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)