並列タイトル等BMI ノ カレイ ヘンカ ト スイテイ タイシボウリョウ ノ ショケイ ハツライ リンカイキ
Change in BMI with Age and The Critical Period of Onset menarche for Estimated Body Fat Mass
タイトル(掲載誌)愛知工業大学研究報告. A, 基礎教育センター論文集 = Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology. Part A
一般注記出版タイプ: NA
In this study, the change in BMI with age was examined by applying the wavelet interpolation method (WIM),and the maximum peak velocity(MPV) of BMI was derived from the growth (aging) distance curve of BMI. We investigated the association between the age at menarche and MPV of BMI. In addition, the critical period for body fat mass at the occurrence of menarche was estimated. Data were obtained from 73 female non-athletes in their first year at university in the Tokai area.Health examination records showing these subjects' heighs and weights from the first grade of elementary school to the final year of high school(1984-1995) were collicted and BMI was calculated for each grade. Ages at menarche were ascertained from questionnaires.The age at MPV of BMI. Therefore, the age at MPV of BMI is estimated to be the critical period for body fat mass at the occurence of menarche. By applying a regressin analysis (y=1.394X-15.630) of the age at menarche to the age at MPV of BMI, we could estimate the critical period for body fat mass at the age of menarche (10.06+/3.36kg) and the MPV of BMI (10.84+/3.50kg).
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)