寄与者Donal Blaise Lloyd ; foreword by Michael Hunt.
一般注記It is more efficient to transfer than to burn -- The big picture : what geothermal energy is and why you want it. A different approach to heating & cooling ; How I learned to get even with the oil company ; How a geothermal heat pump (GHP) works : borrowing heat from the earth ; Ground-source solutions : open vs. closed loops ; Direct exchange (DX) geothermal systems ; Using your well as the heat source ; Geothermal advantages/disadvantages ; Does a geothermal system really increase a home's market value? ; Learning to live with a GHP system ; Reducing operating (electrical) costs ; Geothermal plus solar energy : a perfect match ; What will it cost? ; Taking advantage of rebates & tax credits ; Payback : when do you get your money back? ; Finding a contractor -- Unraveling the science & technology of geothermal heat pumps. The inside story of geothermal super efficiencies ; A look inside : how GHPs deliver heat into your home ; The importance of GHP performance standards -- The broader view : a look beyond residential to the global market. The geothermal marketplace ; Commercial/institutional geothermal systems ; Future trends ; Decision time & my ultimate geothermal package -- Earth-smart home case studies -- The disappearing stars -- Appendix. A, Frequently asked questions ; B, Helpful links and resources ; C, Residential GHP manufactures ; D, State energy offices ; E, Geothermal careers : joining the industry.