ISBN1414490690 (vol. 2 : alk. paper)
1414490674 (set : alk. paper)
9781414490694 (vol. 2 : alk. paper)
9781414490670 (set : alk. paper)
数量xv p., p. 487-964 : ; 29 cm.
寄与者Norman MacLeod, editor in chief ; J. David Archibald and Phillip S. Levin, advisory editors.
一般注記The end-Jurassic extinction ; The end-Cretaceous extinction ; Paleocene-Eocene turnover ; The Eocene-Oligocene extinction ; Late Quaternary extinctions ; North America (10,000-11,500 years ago) ; Extinction of the Eurasian megafauna ; South American native mammals ; Australia (50,000 years ago) ; Madagascar (2,000 years ago) ; New Zealand (500 years ago) ; Mediterranean islands (9,000 years ago) ; Modern biodiversity crisis ; Historical extinctions (1600-1850) ; Historical extinctions (1850-present) ; Subrecent oceanic island extinctions ; Tropical rain forests ; Coral reef ecosystems ; Extraterrestrial impact as a cause of extinction ; Large igneous province (LIP) volcanism ; Sea-level change ; Anoxia ; Climate change ; Habitat loss ; Agriculture ; Development ; Invasive species ; Fishing ; Hunting/food preferences ; Ecological economics ; Ecosystem services ; The relative cost of saving species ; Should extinction be prevented? ; The politics of extinction ; The future of life on Earth.
"A companion and complement to the Evolution volume, which was published in 2011"--P. xi.