Seismic amplitude : : an interpreter's handbook /
Seismic amplitude : : an interpreter's handbook /
- 1. Overview -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Philosophy, definitions and scope -- 1.3. The practice of seismic rock physics -- 2. Fundamentals -- 2.1. Int...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 11070115079781107011502
- 出版年月日等
- 2014.
- 数量
- x, 271 p. : ; 26 cm.
- 寄与者
- Rob Simm, Mike Bacon.
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- NDC10版
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- 1. Overview -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. Philosophy, definitions and scope -- 1.3. The practice of seismic rock physics -- 2. Fundamentals -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2. Seismic basics -- 2.2.1. Seismic geometry -- 2.2.2. Gathers and stacks -- 2.3. Modelling for seismic interpretation -- 2.3.1. The convolutional model, wavelets and polarity -- 2.3.2. Isotropic and elastic rock properties -- 2.3.3. Offset reflectivity -- 2.3.4. Types of seismic models -- 2.3.5. Relating seismic data to models -- 3. Seismic wavelets and resolution -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Seismic data: bandwidth and phase -- 3.3. Zero phase and minimum phase -- 3.4. Change of wavelet shape with depth -- 3.5. Idealised wavelets -- 3.6. Wavelet phase and processing -- 3.6.1.Q compensation -- 3.6.2. Zero phasing -- 3.6.3. Bandwidth improvement -- 3.7. Resolution -- 3.7.1. The problem of interference -- 3.7.2. Simple models of interference -- 3.7.3. Estimating vertical resolution from seismic -- 3.7.4. The effect of wavelet shape on resolution -- 3.7.5. Lateral resolution -- 3.8. Detectability -- 4. Well to seismic ties -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Log calibration -- depth to time -- 4.2.1. Velocities and scale -- 4.2.2. Drift analysis and correction -- 4.3. The role of VSPs -- 4.4. Well tie approaches using synthetics -- 4.4.1. Well tie matching technique -- 4.4.2. Adaptive technique -- 4.5.A well tie example -- 4.6. Well tie issues -- 4.6.1. Seismic character and phase ambiguity -- 4.6.2. Stretch and squeeze -- 4.6.3. Sense checking and phase perception -- 4.6.4. Importance of tie accuracy in horizon mapping -- 4.6.5. Understanding offset scaling -- 4.6.6. Use of matching techniques to measure an improving tie -- 5. Rock properties and AVO -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. AVO response description -- 5.2.1. Positive or negative AVO and the sign of the AVO gradient -- 5.2.2. AVO classes and the AVO plot -- 5.2.3. Introducing the AVO crossplot -- 5.2.4. Examples of AVO responses -- 5.3. Rock property controls on AVO -- 5.3.1. Ranges of parameters for common sedimentary rocks -- 5.3.2. The role of compaction -- 5.3.3. The effect of fluid fill -- 5.3.4. The effects of rock fabric and pore geometry -- 5.3.5. Bed thickness and layering -- 5.3.6. The effects of pressure -- 5.3.7. Anisotropy -- 5.4. The rock model and its applications -- 5.4.1. Examples of rock model applications -- 5.5. Rock properties, AVO reflectivity and impedance -- 5.5.1. AVO projections, coordinate rotations and weighted stacks -- 5.5.2. Angle-dependent impedance -- 5.5.3. Bandlimited impedance -- 5.6. Seismic noise and AVO -- 6. Seismic processing issues -- 6.1. Introduction -- 6.2. General processing issues -- 6.2.1. Initial amplitude corrections -- 6.2.2. Long-wavelength overburden effects -- 6.2.3. Multiple removal -- 6.2.4. Migration -- 6.2.5. Moveout correction -- 6.2.6. Final scaling -- 6.2.7. Angle gathers and angle stacks -- 6.3. Data conditioning for AVO analysis -- 6.3.1. Spectral equalisation -- 6.3.2. Residual moveout removal -- 6.3.3. Amplitude scaling with offset -- 6.3.4. Supergathers -- 6.3.5. Gradient estimation and noise reduction -- 7. Amplitude and AVO interpretation -- 7.1. Introduction -- 7.2. AVO and amplitude scenarios -- 7.2.1. Class II/III hydrocarbon sands and Class I water sands -- 7.2.2. Class III hydrocarbon and water sands -- 7.2.3. Class IV hydrocarbon and water sands -- 7.2.4. Class IIp hydrocarbon sands, Class I water sands -- 7.2.5. Class I hydrocarbon sands, Class I water sands -- 7.2.6. Multi-layered reservoirs -- 7.2.7. Hydrocarbon contacts -- 7.2.8. Carbonates -- 7.2.9. Fractured reservoirs -- 8. Rock physics for seismic modelling -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. Rock physics models and relations -- 8.2.1. Theoretical bounds -- 8.2.2. Empirical models -- 8.2.3. Gassmann's equation -- 8.2.4. Minerals, fluids and porosity -- 8.2.5. Dry rock relations -- 8.2.6. Contact models -- 8.2.7. Inclusion models -- 8.3. Requirements for a rock physics study -- 8.3.1. Data checklist -- 8.3.2. Acoustic logs -- 8.4. Data QC and log edits -- 8.4.1. Bad hole effects -- 8.4.2. Vp and Vs from sonic waveform analysis -- 8.4.3. Log prediction -- 8.4.4. Borehole invasion -- 8.4.5. Sonic correction for anisotropy in deviated wells -- 8.5. Practical issues in fluid substitution -- 8.5.1. Shaley sands -- 8.5.2. Laminated sands -- 8.5.3. Low porosity and permeability sandstones -- 8.6. Rock characterisation and modelling issues -- 9. Seismic trace inversion -- 9.1. Introduction -- 9.2. Deterministic inversion -- 9.2.1. Recursive inversion -- 9.2.2. Sparse spike inversion -- 9.2.3. Model-based inversion -- 9.2.4. Inversion issues -- 9.2.5. Inversion QC checklist -- 9.2.6. Bandlimited vs broadband -- 9.2.7. Inversion and AVO -- 9.2.8. Issues with quantitative interpretation of deterministic inversions -- 9.3. Stochastic inversion -- 10. Seismic amplitude applications -- 10.1. Introduction -- 10.2. Litho/fluid-facies from seismic -- 10.3. Reservoir properties from seismic -- 10.3.1. Reservoir properties from deterministic inversion -- 10.3.2. Simple regression, calibration and uncertainty -- 10.3.3. Reservoir property mapping using geostatistical techniques -- 10.3.4.Net pay estimation from seismic -- 10.4. Time-lapse seismic -- 10.5. Amplitudes in prospect evaluation -- 10.5.1. An interpreter's DHI checklist -- 10.5.2.A Bayesian approach to prospect risking -- 10.5.3. Risking, statistics and other sense checks -- 10.6. Seismic amplitude technology in reserves estimation.
- 入手可能性
- 閲可/個否/協可
- 所蔵機関
- 東京都立中央図書館
- 所蔵注記
- 所蔵場所 : 2F開301
- 請求記号
- 568.1-S59-S
- 連携機関・データベース
- 東京都立中央図書館 : 公共図書館蔵書
- 書誌ID(SomokuID)
- 13520166627106227017
- OCLC番号
- 2013040419(OCoLC)862041483