ISBN0190221453 (pbk. : alk. paper)
0190221445 (hardcover : alk. paper)
9780190221454 (pbk. : alk. paper)
9780190221447 (hardcover : alk. paper)
寄与者edited by Javier Auyero, Philippe Bourgois, Nancy Scheper-Hughes.
一般注記The moral economy of murder : violence, death, and social order in Nicaragua / Dennis Rodgers -- The moral economy of violence in the US inner city : deadly sociability in the retail narcotics economy / George Karandinos ... [et al.] -- On the importance to having a positive attitude / Kevin Lewis O'Neil and Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela -- "Es que para ellos el deporte es matar" : rethinking the scripts of violent men in El Salvador and Brazil / Mo Hume and Polly Wilding -- Duros and gangland girlfriends : male identity, gang socialization, and rape in Medellín / Adam Baird -- Fear and spectacular drug violence in Monterrey / Ana Villarreal -- Chismosas and Alcahuetas : being the mother of an Empistolado within the everyday armed violence of a Caracas Barrio / Verónica Zubillaga, Manuel Llorens, and John Souto -- Managing in the midst of social disaster : poor people's responses to urban violence / Javier Auyero and Kristine Kilanski -- When the police knock your door in / Alice Goffman -- Standpoint purgatorio : liminal fear and danger in studying the "black and brown" tension in Los Angeles / Randol Contreras -- Death squads and vigilante politics in democratic northeast Brazil / Nancy Scheper-Hughes -- Postface: insecurity, the war on drugs, and crimes of the state : symbolic violence in the Americas / Philippe Bourgois.