ISBN0521879639 (hardback)
0521705444 (paperback)
9780521879637 (hardback)
9780521705448 (paperback)
数量xvii, 368 pages ; ; 24 cm
寄与者edited by Philip McCosker, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Denys Turner, Yale University.
一般注記Reading the Summa Theologiae / Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt -- Dominican spirituality / Timothy Radcliffe -- Structure / Mark D. Jordan -- Scripture / Pim Valkenberg -- Philosophy / Karen Kilby -- Method / John Marenbon -- God / Brian Davies -- Eternity / Herbert McCabe -- Trinity / Eugene F. Rogers Jr. -- Holy Spirit / Gilles Emery -- Creation / Kathryn Tanner -- Providence / David Burrell -- The human person / Denys Turner -- Happiness / Jean Porter -- Virtues / James F. Keenan -- Grace / Philip McCosker -- Person of Christ / Sarah Coakley -- Life of Christ / Paul Gondreau -- Redemption / Nicholas M. Healy -- Sacraments / Olivier-Thomas Venard -- Catholic traditions / Paul J. Griffiths -- Orthodox traditions / Andrew Louth -- Reformed traditions / Christoph Schwöbel -- Non-Abrahamic traditions / Francis X. Clooney.