Eastern Orthodox Christianity : : the essential texts /
Eastern Orthodox Christianity : : the essential texts /
- Part I. Origins and metamorphoses. Beginnings, scripture, and patristics ; New sect ; Letter of Ignatius to the Smyrnians (ca. 107-110) ; Governor Pli...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 0300196784 (paperback)9780300196788 (paperback)
- 出版年月日等
- c2016.
- 数量
- xxvi, 447 pages : ; 24 cm.
- 寄与者
- Bryn Geffert and Theofanis G. Stavrou.
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- NDC10版
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Part I. Origins and metamorphoses. Beginnings, scripture, and patristics ; New sect ; Letter of Ignatius to the Smyrnians (ca. 107-110) ; Governor Pliny to Emperor Trajan on "Christians" (ca. 112) ; New church : Constantine and Constantinople ; Eusebius, Life of Constantine (late 330s) ; Incarnational theology and Arian controversies ; Theodoret's (ca. 393-457) Account of the Arian controversy ; Arius explains his doctrine to Alexander of Alexandria (320) ; Athanasius on the Incarnation (ca. 318-335) ; The creed of Nicaea (325) ; Reaction ; Julian the Apostate (361-363) mocks Christianity ; Trinitarian debates ; Gregory of Nyssa on the Trinity (ca. 390) ; Priests and bishops ; John Chrysostom on the role of priests (ca. late 370s-ealy 380s) ; Early monasticism ; Sayings of the Desert Fathers (mid-500s) ; The life of Pachomius (n.d.) ; St. Basil (ca. 330-379) to Gregory of Nazianzus on monastic ideals (n.d.) ; Communal vs. solitary life in the "Lausiac history" (ca, 419) ; Christianity and the Byzantine state ; Justinian on imperial authority over the church (ca. 535) ; Maximus Confessor (ca. 580-662) on imperial power and the church ; Patriarch Photios on the powers of the Patriarch (ca. 880) ; Basil I's Epanagoge on the rights of emperor and patriarch (ca. 880) ; Holy fools ; Life of the Holy Fool Father Simeon (ca. 642-649) ; Eastern trends in Christian theology ; Dionysius the Areopagite (400s-500s) on Knowledge of the Godhead ; Maximus Confessor on the Incarnation and unity with God (early 640s) ; Maximus Confessor on the purpose of God's church (ca. 628-630) ; Marriage and women in the early church ; Tertullian to his wife (ca. 200-206) ; John Chrysostom on women ; Holy women ; Life of St. Maria/Marinos (500s or 600s) ; Life of St. Maria of Egypt (ca. 600s) -- Part II. Growth and schisms. Holy objects ; Tale of the Holy Places, of the City of Constantine (ca. 1389-1391) ; Miracle of the True Cross (ca. 545) ; Relics in Constantinople (ca. 1105 or 1106) ; St. Sophia as a Miraculous Church (early 1200s) ; Missions to the north : Balkans and Rus' ; Kliment Okhridski (ca. 840-916) on Kirill, missionary to the Slavs ; The Glagolitic alphabet ; Iconoclastic controversy ; John of Damascus (ca. 676-749) defends icons ; The iconoclastic views of Leo V (813-820) ; Hesychasm ; Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) on Hesychasm, prayer, and deification ; Great Schism ; Claims of the Roman See ; St. Jerome to Pope Damasus on the Chair of St. Peter (375) ; Council of Rome on the Bishop of Rome's role in legal disputes (378) ; Gregory Nazianzus on the Bishop of Rome (382) ; Council of Rome on the Primacy of Rome (382) ; Pope Innocent on the prerogatives of the Roman Church (416) ; Theodore the Studite (759-826) on the pentarchy and Roman authority ; Archbishop Niketas on Roman Primacy (1136) ; Thomas Aquinas on papal power (1258-1264) ; Pope Boniface VIII on the spiritual authority of the Papacy (1302) ; Filioque ; Patriarch Photios condemns Rome over the Filioque (867) ; Charlemagne and the Pope assert themselves ; Charlemagne to Pope Leo III on relations with the Papacy (796) ; Account of Charlemagne being crowned emperor (late 900s) ; Einhard on Charlemagne, Constantinople, and Rome (ca. 817-836) ; Anathemas of 1054 ; Cardinal Humbert's anathema against Patriarch Michael I (1054) ; Edict of Michael I and the Synod of Constantinople (1054) ; Fourth Crusade ; Anna Komnenos on the Franks (ca. 1148) ; Crusader's criticism of the Greeks (ca. 1148) ; Niketas Choniates (ca. 1155-1215) on the Sack of Constantinople ; Council of Ferrara-Florence ; Patriarch of Constantinople objects to kissing the pope's foot (1438) ; Resolutions of the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1439) ; Greek participant at Florence describes disputes (1438 or 1439) ; Muscovite reaction to Ferrara-Florence (1437-1441) ; Fall of Constantinople ; Account of the Ottoman Siege of Constantinople (early 1600s) ; Rise of Islam and Turkish expansion ; Muslims appear in Palestine (ca. late 700s to early 800s) ; Apocalyptic prediction of the rise of Islam (ca. 640) ; Fictional disputation between a monk and an Arab (early 700s) ; Pact between Christians and their Muslim occupiers (800s) ; Rise of the Moscow Patriarchate ; Filofei argues that Moscow is the Third Rome (ca. 1510) ; Muscovite response to the fall of Constantinople (ca. 1533-1541) ; Account of establishing the Moscow Patriarchate (1589) ; Patriarch Jeremiah on the glory of the Moscow Patriarchate (1653) -- Part III. Modernity and upheavals. Byzantine rite Catholics ; Konstantin Ostrozhsky on the Union of Brest (1595) ; Metropolitan Ragoza's Edict on Brest (1596) ; Edict of the Orthodox dignitaries at Brest (1596) ; Letter from a participant at Brest (1596) ; Edict of Mikhail Ragoza (1596) ; Peter the Great's reorientation of Russian Orthodoxy ; Patriarch Ioakim on prerogatives of the church (1690) ; Manifesto creating the Ecclesiastical College or Holy Synod (1721) ; Oath of the Holy Synod (1721) ; Ecclesiastical regulation (1721) ; Engaging the West through creeds ; Confession of Patriarch Dositheos and the Synod of Jerusalem (1672) ; Popular piety and popular practices ; Parish issues a certificate of election for a new priest (1684) ; Agreement between Church Elders and a Priest (1686) ; Village priests' reports on religious practices of the peasantry (1853) ; Reports on peasant action against witches (1879) ; A critique of the rural clergy (1858) ; Ivan Pryzhov ridicules Holy Fools (1865) ; Anthropological account of religious practices among the peasantry (1906) ; Orthodoxy under Ottoman rule ; Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca (1774) ; Complaints about corruption and oppression in the church (1796) ; Patriarch Anthimos of Jerusalem demands allegiance to the Ottomans (1798) ; English chaplain recounts the conversion of a Muslim (1819) ; The Greek revolution and Orthodox nationalism ; The Greek government to the Christian powers of Europe (1822) ; New thinking and church reform ; Leo Tolstoy, Critique of dogmatic theology (18 91) ; The Russian Holy Synod condemns Tolstoy (1901) ; Sergei Bulgakov on the Russian intelligentsia (1909) -- Part IV. Revolutions and reevaluations. Russian revolution ; Holy Sobor's Encyclical to the Russian people (13 November 1917) ; Draft Bill of Rights for the Russian Church (15 November 1917) ; Bolshevik decree on church, state, and schools (23 January 1918) ; Soviet propaganda ; Texts ; Soviet line on religion under Khrushchev (1959) ; Substitution ceremonies ; Red baptism (1923) ; Red wedding (n.d.) ; A Komsomol Christmas carol (ca. 1922-1923) ; Passport ceremony (n.d.) ; Oath on induction into the Worker-Peasant Red Army (1918) ; Church under Stalin ; Patriarch Aleksei celebrates Stalin's seventieth birthday (21 December 1949) ; Orthodoxy and ecumenism ; Sergei Bulgakov defines the church (1927) ; Nicolas Zernov on barriers to reunion with western churches (1928) ; Archbishop Serafim condemns the Ecumenical Movement (1948) ; Women's ordination ; Gennadios Limouris against ordaining women (1988) ; Constantinos Yakarinis in favor of ordaining women (1999) ; Orthodox nationalism and fundamentalism ; Moscow Bishops on the church, the nation, and globalization (2000) ; Spiritual and social problems of globalism (2001) ; Zhanna Bichevskaya, "We are Russians" (2006).
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- OCLC番号
- 2015955421(OCoLC)926820724