ISBN9041186301 (acid-free paper)
9041186492 (web-PDF)
9041186485 (e-Book)
9789041186300 (acid-free paper)
9789041186492 (web-PDF)
9789041186485 (e-Book)
寄与者editor, Sarah De Groof ; contributors, Alberto Barrio [and 32 others] ; general editor, Frank Hendrickx ; founding editor, Roger Blanpain.
一般注記Introduction / Sarah De Groof -- Connecting crowd-work with work-life balance: mission impossible? / Alberto Barrio & Nuna Zekić -- Part-time fathers and mothers? comparing part-time employment in Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the Netherlands / Sonja Bekker, Lena Hipp, Janine Leschke & Friederike Molitor -- How can labour law contribute to work-life balance? recommendations for a modern working time law / Sarah De Groof -- Making the business case for work-life integration in the United States / Katherine S. Drake & Amy K. Brown -- The third shift: how do professional women articulate working time and family time? / Émile Genin -- Irregural work scheduling and its consequences / Lonnie Golden & Jaeseung Kim -- Through work-life-family reconciliation to gender equality? Slovenia and the United Kingdom's legal frameworks compared / Babara Kresal & Ania Zbyszewska -- "This is not an ideal, man": restructuring the ideal worker norm / Ifat Matzner-Heruti -- Teleworking in Iberian labour law as a masure of reconciling work and family life and working time control as the key to avoid the blurring of the boundaries between work and family life / Lourdes Mella Méndez -- Work-life balance in the modern workplace: a comparative analysis of the Trukish and European multinational companies operating in Turkey / Gürol Özcüre, Nimet Eryiğit & Harun Demirkaya -- Exploring the 'boundary control paradox' and how to cope with it: a social theoretical perspective on managing work-life boundaries and work-life balance in the late modern workplace / Pascale Peters, Robert J. Blomme, Anne van Heertum & Daantje Derks -- Precarious work and work-family reconciliation: a critical evaluation of New Zealand's regulatory framework / Amanda Reilly & Annick Masselot -- Regulating work-life balance: the contemoprary Swedish experience / Niklas Selberg --- Family responsibilities accommodation in Canada: individual solutions to a collective dilemma / Mathilde Valentini & Stephanie Bernstein -- Reconciliation of work and private life as key element for sustainable work throughout the life course / Greet Vermeylen, Agnès Parent-Thirion, Mathijn Wilkens & Jorge Cabrita -- Work-life balance, time and money: identifying the work-life balance priorities of working class workers / Tracey Warren.