数量xiii, 212 pages : ; 28 cm.
寄与者editors, Ho Kwon Ping, Arnoud De Meyer.
一般注記An entrepreneurial culture for Singapore / Mr Lee Kuan Yew -- Asian leadership / Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad -- Consensus building and responsive governance / Mr Benigno Aquino III -- The role of leadership in a rapidly changing world / Mr F W de Klerk -- Mindset in leadership / Daw Aung San Suu Kyi -- Singapore - the past, the present, and the future / Mr Lee Hsien Loong -- Sustainable development, gender equality and youth empowerment / Mr Ban Ki-Moon -- Governing for sustainability / Dr László Sólyom -- The origins of political order / Dr Francis Fukuyama -- Contemporary global economy through the eyes of Asia / Mr Robert Zoellick -- Leadership in a networked world / Prof Rosabeth Moss Kanter -- The future of the European economy / Mr Herman van Rompuy -- Investing in Europe: the way forward / Mr Jyrki Katainen -- Political leadership in the digital age / Mr Xavier Bettel.
"Compiled by University Events, Office of Corporate Communications and Marketing, Singapore Management University".
"Singapore Management University."