ISBN3319584472 (hardcover)
9783319584478 (hardcover)
数量xvi, 210 pages : ; 25 cm.
寄与者Fabiana Lopes da Cunha, Marcilene dos Santos, Jorge Rabassa, editors.
一般注記Part I: Traditions, knowledge and intangible heritage -- Samba Places: an analysis on samba, identities and intangible heritage (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) / Fabiana Lopes da Cunha -- Negligence and reinvention : cultural heritage of the watering place of São Vicente (Saõ Paulo/Brazil) / Sandra C.A. Pelegrini -- Part II: Archaeological heritage -- Brazilian archaeology, the last two decades / Pedro Paulo A. Fenari -- The patrimonialization and the heritage value of the archaeological record. Tierra del Fuego as a case study / Mónica C. Salemme and Laura Horlent -- The "Heritage Horror Show" : a critical analysis of the relationship among monuments, power, and people / Andrés Zarankin -- Dialogue and preservation: considerations about Contract Archaeology in Brazil (or, the way it works, and the way it does not) / Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo -- Ruins of Engenho São Jorge dos Erasmos as a case study : world heritage nomination in the context of hyperinflation and depredation of cultural properties / Rodrigo Christofoletti -- Part III: Landscape and natural heritage -- Natural heritage: quantitative evaluation of landscape scenic values / Jorge Rabassa -- The concept of landscape in geography and landscape as heritage / Luciene Cristina Risso -- Cultural landscape in Brazil: legal instruments and the challenges of protection / Simone Scifoni -- Traditional populations and political activism in the Belo Monte dam construction / Angelita Matos Souza -- Part IV: Industrial and rail heritage -- Museums from São Paulo and railroad memory / Davidson Kaseker -- Memory and place : railroad villages of the Railroad Company Northwest Brazil (CEFNOB) / Rosiio Fernández Baca Salcedo -- Bauru EFNOB industrial heritage / Nilson Ghirardello.