ISBN1433823500 (volume 1 ; hardcover)
1433823489 (set ; hardcover)
9781433823503 (volume 1 ; hardcover)
9781433823480 (set ; hardcover)
数量xxiii, 989 pages : ; 29 cm.
寄与者Josep Call, editor-in-chief ; Gordon M. Burghardt, Irene M. Pepperberg, Charles T. Snowdon, and Thomas Zentall, associate editors.
一般注記Basic concepts, methods, neural substrate, and behavior -- Part I. History and basic concepts -- What is comparative psychology? -- Trends and themes in the history of comparative psychology -- Part II. Methods -- Studying animal behavior : integration of field and laboratory approaches -- Observational and experimental methods in comparative psychology -- Collecting biologically relevant information : DNA to population density -- Tools for measuring animal cognition : T mazes to touchscreens -- Neurons to networks : integrative methods for studying social behavior -- From nonparametric tests to mixed models : a brief overview of statistical tools frequently used in comparative psychology -- Methods and applications of animal personality research -- Phylogenetic approaches for research in comparative cognition -- Part III. Adaptation, evolution, and phylogeny -- Behavioral variation, adaptation, and evolution -- Evolution of learning and cognition -- Evolution of consequences of sociality -- The evolution of language -- Evolutionary approaches to human psychology -- Behavioral, emotional, and cognitive effects of domestication -- Part IV. Genes, hormones, and ontogeny -- From instinct to behavior systems : an integrated approach to ethological psychology -- The rise of behavioral genetics and the transition to behavioral genomics and beyond -- Behavioral endocrinology and development -- Cognitive development in comparative perspective : exploring the role of language acquisition in spatial, quantitative, and memory development -- Filial attachment : development, mechanisms, and consequences -- Epigenetic mechanisms shaping the brain : implications for psychological science -- Part V. Neural substrate -- Instinctual foundations of annual minds : comparative perspectives on the evolved affective neural substrate of emotions and learned behaviors -- Comparative vertebrate nervous systems -- Parallel processing of spatial and temporal information in rodents and humans : role of the hippocampus -- The biopsychology of birdsong : birdsong as a biological model for human language -- Laterality at the neural, cognitive, and behavioral levels -- Neural networks, learning, and intelligence -- Biological rhythms --Part VI. Behavior -- Information, communication, and language -- Referential communication in nonhuman animals -- Symbolic communication in nonhuman animals -- Interspecific communication -- Play and exploration -- Maternal behavior -- Paternal and alloparental care -- Courtship and mate choice -- Ingestive behavior -- Predator-prey interactions : integrating fear effects -- Antipredator behavior -- Why animals fight : uncovering the function and mechanisms of territorial aggression -- Conflict resolution -- Friendships, coalitions, and alliances -- Comparative studies of cooperation : collaboration and prosocial behavior in animals -- Thermoregulation, energetics, and behavior.