Routledge handbook of human rights and climate governance /
Routledge handbook of human rights and climate governance /
- Integrating human rights in global climate governance : an introduction / Sébastien Duyck, Sébastien Jodoin and Alyssa Johl -- Analysing rights disc...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 1138232459 (hardcover)9781138232457 (hardcover)
- 出版年月日等
- 2018,
- 数量
- xxi, 429 pages : ; 26 cm.
- 寄与者
- edited by Sébastien Duyck, Sébastien Jodoin and Alyssa Johl.
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- NDC10版
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Integrating human rights in global climate governance : an introduction / Sébastien Duyck, Sébastien Jodoin and Alyssa Johl -- Analysing rights discourses in climate governance / Katherine Lofts -- Climate change and human rights : fragmentation, interplay and institutional linkages / Annalisa Savaresi -- Local rights claims in international climate negotiations : transnational human rights networks at the climate conferences / Andrea Schapper -- Rights, representation and recognition : practicing advocacy for women and indigenous peoples in un climate negotiations / Linda Wallbott -- State responsibility for human rights violations associated with climate change / Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh -- Climate change impacts : human rights in climate adaptation and loss and damage / Sven Harmeling -- Human rights and climate displacement and migration / Alice Thomas -- Climate change under regional human rights systems / Sumudu Anopama Attaputu -- From Copenhagen to Paris at the UN human rights counsil : when climate change became a human rights issue / Yves Lador and Felix Kirchmeier -- Look before you jump : assessing the potential influence of the human rights bandwagon on domestic climate policy / Sébastien Jodoin, Rosine Faucher and Katherine Lofts -- Rights, justice, and REDD+ : lessons from climate advocacy and early implementation in the Amazon Basin / Deborah Delgado Pugley -- Protecting indigenous peoples' land rights in global climate governance / Ademola Jegede -- The indigenous rights framework and climate change / Ben Powless -- Using the Paris Agreement's ambition ratcheting mechanisms to expose insufficient protection of human rights in formulating national climate policies / Donald Brown -- From Marrakesh to Marrakesh : the rise of gender equality in the global climate governance and climate action / Anne Barre, Irene Dankelman, Anke Stock, Eleanor Blomstrom and Bridget Burns -- Energy justice : the intersection of human rights and climate justice / Allie Silverman -- Overlooked and undermined : child rights and climate change / Joni Pegram -- Human rights, differentiated responsibilities? : advancing equity and human rights in the climate change regime / Gita Parihar and Kate Dooley -- Climate justice and human rights / Doreen Strabinsky -- Securing workers' rights in the transition to a low-carbon world : the just transition concept and its evolution / Edouard Morena -- 'There is no time left' : climate change, environmental threats, and human rights in Turkana County, Kenya / Katharina Rall and Felix Horne -- Human rights and climate change : focusing on South Asia / Vositha Wijenayake -- Climate change and the European Court of Human Rights : future potentials / Heta Heiskanen -- Are Europeans equal with regard to the health impact of climate change? / Isabell Eva Büschel -- Integrating a human rights based approach to address climate change impacts in Latin America : case studies from Bolivia and Peru / Andrea Rodriguez and Mariá Jose ́Veramendi Villa -- Connecting human rights and short-lived climate pollutants : the Arctic angle / Sabaa Khan -- Climate change and human rights in the Commonwealth Caribbean : case studies of the Bahamas and Trinidad & Tobago / Lisa Benjamin and Rueanna Haynes -- Mobilizing human rights to combat climate change through litigation / Abby Rubinson -- Human rights and land-based carbon mitigation / Kate Dooley -- Climate change : human rights & private remedies / Heather Mcleod-Kilmurray, Lynda Collins and Nathalie Chalifour -- Towards responsible renewable energy : assessing 50 wind and hydropowercompanies' human rights policies in the context of rising allegations of abuse? / Eniko Horvath and Kasumi Maeda -- Intersectionalities, human rights and climate change : emerging linkages in the practice of the UN human rights monitoring system / Joanna Bourke Martignoni -- Climate change, human rights & divestment / Basil Ugochukwu.
- 入手可能性
- 閲可/個否/協可
- 所蔵機関
- 東京都立中央図書館
- 所蔵注記
- 所蔵場所 : 2F開301
- 請求記号
- 519.8-R86-R
- 連携機関・データベース
- 東京都立中央図書館 : 公共図書館蔵書
- 書誌ID(SomokuID)
- 13520360207111225354
- OCLC番号
- 2017041454(OCoLC)1019838546