数量xiii, 238 pages : ; 19 cm.
一般注記I see a great city ... / Daniela Hodrova -- Bells / Jiři Karaśek ze Lvovic -- The first vision / Gustav Meyrink -- What shall we do with it? / Jan Neruda -- The little bulldog / Karel Pecka -- American heating / Jindřisǩa Smetanova -́- The sword of St. Wencelas / Frantisek ̌Langer -- A psychiatric mystery / Jaroslav Hašek -- The golem / Gustav Meyrink -- The legend of the old town clock / Alois Jirásek -- Description of a struggle / Franz Kafka -- G M / Gustav Meyrink -- The Hotel Paříž / Bohumil Hrabal -- The case of the washerwoman / Egon Erwin Kisch -- The magic flute / Bohumil Hrabal -- The past / Michal Ajvaz -- The receipt / Karel Čapek -- Mendelssohn is on the roof / Jiří Weil -- A Prague eclogue / Jiří Kovtun -- A race through Prague / Ota Pavel -- Invasion day / Ivan Diviš -- A visit to the train station / Jáchym Topol -- Tenor sax solo from Washington / Josef Škvorecký -- The spirit of Prague / Ivan Klima.