Media, journalism, and "fake news" : : a reference handbook /
Media, journalism, and "fake news" : : a reference handbook /
- 1. Background and History. Introduction: What is news? ; The development of the press and the American Revolution ; Changes in news reporting ; Shapin...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 1440864063 (hardcover)9781440864063 (hardcover)
- 出版年月日等
- [2019],
- 数量
- xviii, 372 pages : ; 24 cm.
- 寄与者
- Amy M. Damico.
- 出版地(国名コード)
- n-us---
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- NDC10版
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- 1. Background and History. Introduction: What is news? ; The development of the press and the American Revolution ; Changes in news reporting ; Shaping public opinion ; The establishment of professional journalism ; Investigative journalism ; Newsmagazines ; Radio news broadcasting ; Network television news programming ; Public broadcasting ; Talk radio ; Cable television and 24-hour news networks ; News satire and "fake news" television shows ; Tabloid television news ; Media consolidation ; Digital news and information ; News goes online ; Shifts in news producers and audiences ; Conclusion -- 2. Problems, controversies, and solutions. Introduction ; Economic challenges in the news industry ; News and audiences ; Challenges to reliable information : a contemporary exploration of terms ; Digital technologies and news and iInformation ; Solutions ; Conclusion -- 3. Perspectives. Introduction ; The 1970s newsrooms balanced past and future / Dennis Lein ; From anonymous sources to analytics and embedded tweets : the evolution of news sourcing in modern journalism / Sean R. Sadri ; Unlocking the keys to the brave "news" world : news literacy as the world's most important resource / Julie Frechette ; Fake news is old news : the blurry boundaries between journalism and public relations / Lori Bindig Yousman ; Western news media coverage of Muslims and Arabs : from 9/11 to the Trump era / Nahed Eltantawy ; A plea for print / Erica Drzewiecki ; Searching for the source : bots, misinformation, and you / Randall Livingstone ; Is television news satire the problem or the solution? / Bill Yousman ; Alive Day / Kate Felsen -- 4. Profiles. Introduction ; People: Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), Ida Tarbell (1857-1944), Adolph Ochs (1858-1935), William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951), Rheta Childe Dorr (1866-1948), Henry Luce (1868-1967), Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961), Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965), Walter Cronkite (1916-2009), John H. Johnson (1918-2005), Helen Thomas (1920-2013), Barbara Walters (1931- ), Carole Simpson (1940- ), Robert (Bob) Woodward (1943- ), Arianna Huffington (1950- ), Oprah Winfrey (1954- ), Amy Goodman (1957- ), Christiane Amanpour (1958- ), Jorge Ramos (1958- ), Ira Glass (1959- ), Nonny de la Peña, Jodi Rave-Spotted Bear (1964- ), Soledad O'Brien (1966- ), Lisa Ling (1973- ), Ezra Klein (1984- ) ; Organizations: CNN (Cable News Network) (1980- ), USA Today (1982- ), The Daily Show (1996- ), Fox News/The Fox News Channel (1996- ), Google news (2002- ), Facebook (2004- ), Twitter (2006- ), Breitbart News Network (2007- ) -- 5. Data and documents. Introduction ; Ways consumers access news ; News deserts ; Perceptions of news media ; Research on unreliable information ; Media ownership rules ; Considering unreliable information ; Current discussions of news and information ; Addressing "deepfake" videos ; Organizational initiatives -- 6. Resources. Introduction ; Books and articles/Historical resources ; Books and articles/Contemporary history and topics ; Research organizations and nonprofits ; Relevant scholarly journals ; Additional Web resources, videos, and podcasts ; Tools and organizations that help people develop skills to critically assess information ; Popular "legacy" news media ; Common news agencies in the United States -- 7. Chronology.
- 入手可能性
- 閲可/個否/協可
- 所蔵機関
- 東京都立中央図書館
- 所蔵注記
- 所蔵場所 : 2F開301
- 請求記号
- 070.1-D15-M
- 連携機関・データベース
- 東京都立中央図書館 : 公共図書館蔵書
- 書誌ID(SomokuID)
- 13520417267112470023
- OCLC番号
- 2019028640(OCoLC)1101570372