ISBN1786611546 (hardback)
1786611554 (paperback)
9781786611543 (hardback)
9781786611550 (paperback)
数量xiv, 343 pages ; ; 24 cm.
一般注記Why Carl Schmitt? -- Part one. The jurisprudence of lawlessness -- The crisis of legal indeterminacy -- The decay of parliamentarism -- The critique of liberal constitutionalism -- The total state -- After legal indeterminacy? -- Indeterminacy and international law -- Epilogue to part one: Carl Schmitt in the aftermath of the German catastrophe -- Part two. Carl Schmitt in America -- Carl Schmitt and the origins of Joseph Schumpeter's theory of democratic elitism -- The unholy alliance of Carl Schmitt and Friedrich A. Hayek -- Part three. Carl Schmitt's twenty-first century -- States of emergency -- Counterterrorism -- States of emergency beyond the nation state? -- Carl Schmitt now?