Human language : : from genes and brains to behavior /
Human language : : from genes and brains to behavior /
- 1. Introduction / Peter Hagoort -- [Part] I. Cognitive architectures / James M. McQueen and Antje S. Meyer. 2. Mental representations for language / R...
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 0262042630 (hardcover ; alkaline paper)9780262042635 (hardcover ; alkaline paper)
- 出版年月日等
- [2019],
- 数量
- viii, 741 pages : ; 29 cm.
- 寄与者
- Peter Hagoort, editor-in-chief.
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- NDC10版
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- 1. Introduction / Peter Hagoort -- [Part] I. Cognitive architectures / James M. McQueen and Antje S. Meyer. 2. Mental representations for language / Ray Jackendoff ; 3. Language comprehension : insights from research on spoken language / Delphine Dahan and Fernanda Ferreira ; 4. The architecture of speaking / Ardi Roelofs and Victor S. Ferreira ; 5. The cognitive architecture of reading : the organization of an acquired skill / Sally Andrews and Erik D. Reichle ; 6. Language in the visual modality : co-speech gesture and sign language / Asli Özyürek and Bencie Woll ; 7. Key issues and future directions : toward a comprehensive cognitive architecture for language use / James M. McQueen and Antje S. Meyer -- [Part] II. The development of language / Caroline F. Rowland and Evan Kidd. 8. Six questions in infant speech and language development / Elizabeth K. Johnson and Katherine S. White ; 9. How to learn a word : the dynamic coupling of words and referents in real and developmental time / Sarah C. Kucker ; 10. Insights into understanding human language from children's acquisition of morphology and syntax : a historical and current perspective on central questions in the field / Shanley E.M. Allen and Heike Behrens ; 11. A neural blueprint of language acquisition / Michael A. Skeide ; 12. Multilingual development / Vasiliki Chondrogianni ; 13. Key issues and future directions : how do children acquire language? / Caroline F. Rowland and Evan Kidd -- [Part] III. Communication with and before language / Stephen C. Levinson and Ivan Toni. 14. Interactional foundations of language : the interaction engine hypothesis / Stephen C. Levinson ; 15. The structure and timing of human versus primate social interaction / Federico Rossano ; 16. The resilience of language : homesign / Susan Goldin-Meadow ; 17. Depicting in communication / Herbert H. Clark ; 18. Conceptual alignment as a neurocognitive mechanism for human communicative interactions / Ivan Toni and Arjen Stolk ; 19. Key issues and future directions : interactional foundations for language / Stephen C. Levinson and Ivan Toni -- [Part] IV. Modeling language / Willem Zuidema. 20. Speech perception and production / Bart de Boer ; 21. Neural network models of language acquisition and processing / Stefan L. Frank, Padraic Monaghan, and Chara Tsoukala ; 22. Cognitive models of syntax and sentence processing / Vera Demberg and Frank Keller ; 23. Vector-based and neural models of semantics / Willem Zuidema and Phong Le ; 24. Language processing in the brain : mapping neural activity to language meaning / Leila Wehbe, Alona Fyshe, and Tom M. Mitchell ; 25. The robot writer / Emiel Krahmer ; 26. Key issues and future directions : models of human language and speech processing / Willem Zuidema and Hartmut Fitz -- [Part] V. The functional neurobiology of language / David Poeppel. 27. The cortical processing of speech sounds in the temporal lobe / Matthias J. Sjerps and Edward F. Chang ; 28. Functional anatomy of speech production : from words to motor control / Gregory Hickok ; 29. Neural oscillations and their role in speech and language processing / Joachim Gross and David Poeppel ; 30. Explaining speech comprehension : integrating electrophysiology, evolution, and cross-linguistic diversity / William D. Marslen-Wilson ; 31. A cognitive neuroscience perspective on language comprehension in context / Jos J.A. van Berkum and Mante S. Nieuwland ; 32. Key issues and future directions : where have we been and where are we going? / David Poeppel -- [Part] VI. Neuroanatomy of language / Peter Hagoort and Christian F. Beckmann. 33. Receptor and cytoarchitecture of language-related cortical areas / Nicola Palomero-Gallagher and Karl Zilles ; 34. The human language connectome / Izabela Przeździk, Koen V. Haak, Christian F. Beckmann, and Andreas Bartsch ; 35. The "speech ready" auditory cortex / Elia Formisano ; 36. The speech-ready organization of the motor cortex / Serena Bianchi and Kristina Simonyan ; 37. Insights into the neurobiology of language from individuals born blind or deaf / Marina Bedny and Mairéad MacSweeney ; 38. Key issues and future directions : the neural architecture for language / Peter Hagoort and Christian F. Beckmann -- [Part] VII. The genetics of language / Simon E. Fisher. 39. Mapping genes involved in reading and language skills / Michelle Luciano and Timothy C. Bates ; 40. Deciphering genetics of speech-motor disorders / Angela Morgan ; 41. Neuromolecular approaches to the study of language / Sonja C. Vernes ; 42. The genetic bases of brain lateralization / Clyde Francks ; 43. Key issues and future directions : genes and language / Simon E. Fisher -- [Part] VIII. Animal models of language / Carel ten Cate and Constance Scharff. 44. The comparative approach to the biology and evolution of language / W. Tecumseh Fitch ; 45. Primate vocalization as a model for human speech : scopes and limits / Julia Fischer and Steffen R. Hage ; 46. Vocal learning and spoken language : insights from animal models with an emphasis on genetic contributions / Constance Scharff, Mirjam Knörnschild, and Erich D. Jarvis ; 47. The grammatical abilities of animals : a comparative overview / Carel ten Cate and Christopher I. Petkov ; 48. Speech perception : what do nonhuman animals have to say? / Buddhamas P. Kriengwatana and Gabriël J.L. Beckers ; 49. Key issues and future directions : the comparative approach to language / Carel ten Cate and Constance Scharff -- Contributors -- Index.
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- 請求記号
- 801.0-H91-H
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- 書誌ID(SomokuID)
- 13520460627113508869
- OCLC番号
- 2018050123(OCoLC)1061865711