ISBN1250206294 (trade paperback)
9781250206299 (trade paperback)
一般注記The art of hunger -- New York babel -- Dada bones -- Ideas and things -- Truth, beauty, silence -- From cakes to stones -- The poetry of exile -- Innocence and memory -- Book of the dead -- Kafka's letters -- Reznikoff x 2 -- The Bartlebooth follies -- Poe's bones & Oppen's pipe -- Poe's bones -- Oppen's pipe -- The story of my typewriter -- Answer to a question from New York magazine -- Sentences containing the words "Charles Bernstein" -- Gotham handbook -- Postcards for Georges Perec -- Remembering Beckett -- By the book -- Twentieth-century French poetry -- Mallarme's son -- On the high wire -- Translator's note -- An evening at Shea -- The National Story Project -- A little anthology of surrealist poems -- The art of worry -- Hawthorne at home -- Night on earth: New York -- Joe Brainard -- A life in art -- A prayer for Salman Rushdie -- Appeal to the governor of Pennsylvania -- The best substitute for war -- Banned British art in New York -- Reflections on a cardboard box -- Random notes-September 11, 2001-4:00 pm -- Underground -- NYC=USA -- Columbia: 1968 -- Talking to strangers -- Talking to strangers.
Previous editions have title: Collected prose : autobiographical writings, true stories, critical essays, prefaces, and collaborations with artists.