ISBN1760760021 (hardcover)
9781760760021 (hardcover)
寄与者David Coles ; with photography by Adrian Lander.
一般注記A life lived in colour -- Glossary -- The basics of colour : Blue ; Purple ; Red ; Orange ; Yellow ; Green -- I. The first colours : Ochres ; Chalk white ; Lamp black ; Bone white ; Bone black -- II. Colour in the time of the ancients : Egyptian blue ; Orpiment ; Realgar ; Woad -- III. Colour + the classical world : Lead white ; Tyrian purple ; Indigo ; Malachite ; Azurite ; Red lead ; Verdigris ; Chrysocolla -- IV. Medieval colours : Lac ; Vine black ; Kermes ; Dragon's blood ; Lapis lazuli ; Peach black ; Lead tin yellow ; Vermilion ; Smalt ; Saffron ; Blue Verditer ; Graphite ; Naples Yellow -- V. Writing inks : Gall ink : Bistre ; Sepia ; Walnut -- VI. Dyes, lakes + pinkes : Arzica ; Brazilwood ; Logwood ; Stil De Grain ; Madder lake ; Cochineal ; The farmers of cochineal -- VII. Mysterious colours : Indian yellow ; Gamboge ; Mummy Brown -- VIII. The explosion of colours : Prussian blue ; Lead chromates ; Emerald green ; Cobalt ; Potter's pink ; Ultramarine ; Cadmium ; Cerulean blue ; Manganese -- IX. A brave new world of colour : Mars colours ; Zinc white ; Titanium white ; Synthetic chemistry of the modern world -- X. The science of modern colour : Fluorescence ; Photoluminescence ; YInMn blue ; Vantablack ; Making colour visceral: how paint is made -- Manufacturing pigments : Lead white ; Carmine lake ; Ultramarine ; Madder lake -- Artists' colour.