ISBN1799873005 (hardcover)
9781799873006 (hardcover)
数量xxiv, 473 pages : ; 29 cm.
寄与者Sharon Andrews, Caroline M. Crawford, [editors].
一般注記Esports: historical review, current state, and future challenges / Julien Bousquet, Myriam Ertz -- Barriers, issues, and similarities among women in eSports and similar mixed gender sports: ascertaining common ground / Sharon K. Andrews, Caroline M. Crawford -- Pwning noobs for fun and profit: eSports and entrepreneurship / Timothy B. Michael, Melissa A. Williams -- What competitive chess can learn from eSports: present and future prospects / William B. Bart -- Burgeoning growth of eCycling as an eSport / Noel Savage, Norm O'Reilly -- Soccer eSports in Europe: brands, partnerships, and business opportunities in professional football / Remco M. Beek, Jos F. Verschueren, Inge Derom -- Games, gamification, and esports intersections within digital and online learning / Virginal L. Dickenson -- Impact of eSports upon higher education from a faculty perspective: transformational pathways and opportunities / Sharon K. Andrews, Timothy B. Michael, Melissa A. Williams, Lisa L. Lacher, Lisa L. Lacher, Caroline M. Crawford -- Recruiting faculty for eSports programs in academia / David Reavis -- Game changers: business and research opportunities in K-12 eSports / Christopher Adam West, J. Vincent Nix, Krystal M. Hinerman -- Art education in esports: how to incorporate aesthetics into the eSport marketing curriculum / Jhih-yin Diane Lee, Wen-hao Winston Chou -- ESportsu digital warrior camp: creating an eSports-based culturally relevant computing living learning camp / Jason Alphonso Engerman, Richar F. Otto, Mark VanAuken --Incorporating key human "high-touch" needs into eSports: the effective game zone / Walter S. Polka, Monica J. VanHusen, Jennifer Carlson -- ESports as a news specialty gold rush: communication ecology in the domination of traditional journalism over lifestyle journalism / Gregory P. Perreault, Mildres F. Perreault -- Marketing and sponsorship of eSports without getting ganked: understanding past research and future challenges / Albérico Travassos Rosário, Ricardo Gomes Raimundo -- The role of eSports events in the tourism industry: the cases of Spain and Argentina / Leandro Becka, Marcos Antón, Diego E Barrios -- Hotel amenities and hidden costs associated with eSports tourism in the Ukraine: development of eSport hospitality opportunities / Nadezhda Anatolievna Lebedeva.