タイトルよみオオイタケン リンギョウ シケンジョウ ケンキュウ ジホウ
巻次・部編番号(11)-(20) 19851200-19940300
並列タイトル等Research report of the Oita Prefectural Forestry Experimental Station
Research report of the Ohita Prefectural Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Research report of the Oita Prefectural Forestry Research Institute
研究時報 ケンキュウ ジホウ
大分県林試研究時報 オオイタケン リンシ ケンキュウ ジホウ
Research report of the Ooita Prefectural Forestry Research Institute
Research report of the Ooita Prefectural Forest Experiment Station
並列タイトル変遷: Research report of the Ohita Prefectural Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (1号) → Research report of the Oita Prefectural Forestry Research Institute (2号-11号) → Research report of the Ooita Prefectural Forestry Research Institute (12号-13号) → Research report of the Ooita Prefectural Forest Experiment Station (14号)