タイトルよみヨコハマ コクリツ ダイガク キョウイク ニンゲン カガクブ キヨウ
刊行巻次・年月次1集 (Nov. 1998)-17集 (Feb. 2015)
並列タイトル等Journal of the College of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University. The humanities Journal of the College of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University. The humanities
Journal of the College of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University. The humanities
Journal of the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University. The humanities
1集から14集までの並列タイトル: Journal of the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University. The humanities
雑誌記事索引採録期間国立国会図書館雑誌記事索引 (通号: 1) 1998.11~
所蔵巻次・年月次(所蔵事項)1集 (Nov. 1998)-17集 (Feb. 2015)