刊行巻次・年月次1986.9/1990.12 - 1991/1995
並列タイトル等国立国会図書館所蔵洋図書目録 コクリツ コッカイ トショカン ショゾウヨウ トショ モクロク
一般注記Description based on the latest issue
Title in Japanese: 国立国会図書館所蔵洋図書目録
Library also has annual ed
Consists of several vols.: Title Index; Author Index; v.1, Politics. Law. Administration, Parliamentary Publications, Legal Materials; v.2, Economics. Industries, Social Affairs. Labor, Education; v.3, History. Geography, Philosophy. Religion, Arts. Language. Literature; v.4, Science and Technology, Learning in General
所蔵巻次・年月次(所蔵事項)1986.9/1990.12 - 1991/1995
異版異版 : National Diet Library catalog of foreign books