並列タイトル等FAO annuaire. Statistiques des peches
FAO anuario. Estadisticas de pesca
ISSN(掲載誌)(Catches and landings) : 1014-7659
(Commodities) : 1014-7667
(Capture production) : 1020-6663
(Aquaculture production) : 1606-8602
一般注記Description based on the latest issue
English, French and Spanish
Each year has 2 vols. Odd numbered vols. called Commodities. Even numbered vols. called Catches and landings, 1987-1995; Capture production, 1996-1997. Starting in 1998, even numbered vols. issued in 2 pts. with pt. 1 called Capture production and pt. 2 called Aquaculture production
改題後継続後 : FAO yearbook. Fishery and aquaculture statistics