著者・編者Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery
刊行巻次・年月次46(1):1998.1 - 54(12):2006.12
並列タイトル等Official publication of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery
日本胸部外科学会雑誌 ニホン キョウブ ゲカ ガッカイ ザッシ
一般注記Description based on the latest issue
"Official publication of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery"--Cover
Japanese parallel title: 日本胸部外科学会雑誌 (v. 46, no. 1-v. 52, no. 12)
Publisher: Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (v. 46, no. 1-v. 54, no. 8)
With suppl
所蔵巻次・年月次(所蔵事項)46(1):1998.1 - 54(12):2006.12
改題後継続後 : General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery / 日本胸部外科学会 [編]