並列タイトル等Japanese Association for the History of Geosciences, JAHIGEO bulletin Japanese Association for the History of Geosciences, JAHIGEO bulletin
Japanese Association for the History of Geosciences, JAHIGEO bulletin
Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO bulletin
Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO kaiho
Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO newsletter
並列タイトル変遷: Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO newsletter (9号-13号)→ Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO kaiho (14号-19号)→ Japanese Association for the History of Geological Sciences, JAHIGEO bulletin (20号-41号)
雑誌記事索引採録期間国立国会図書館雑誌記事索引 (45):2015.11.30-