Quantification of the effects of troglitazone on Insulin sensitivity and β-cell function in Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits : A minimal model analysis
博士論文授与名簿のタイトル: Metabolic Effects of Troglitazone on Insulin Resistance in WHHL Rabbits : The Minimal Model Approach to Quantification of Insulin Sensi...
授与名簿のタイトル: Metabolic Effects of Troglitazone on Insulin Resistance in WHHL Rabbits : The Minimal Model Approach to Quantification of Insulin Sensitivity and β-cell Glucose Sensitivity in Rabbits (WHHL家兎におけるTroglitazoneのインスリン抵抗性及び代謝に及ぼす効果 : 数学モデル解析によるインスリン感受性および膵島細胞の糖に対する感受性の定量)