An oration against the unlawfull insurrections, 1566 / Petrus Frarinus. The declarations and ordinances made upon the rule of -- S. Clare, 1622 / by St. Colette. (English recusant literature, 1558-1640 ; v. 226)
An oration against the unlawfull insurrections, 1566 / Petrus Frarinus. The declarations and ordinances made upon the rule of -- S. Clare, 1622 / by St. Colette.
Frarinus' work of 1566 translated from the Latin and reprinted from a copy in the Bodleian Library (Allison and Rogers 344; STC 11333) ; Collette's wo...
Frarinus' work of 1566 translated from the Latin and reprinted from a copy in the Bodleian Library (Allison and Rogers 344; STC 11333) ; Collette's work of 1622 reprinted from the unique copy in the library of Dún Mhuire, Killiney, Co. Dublin (Allison and Rogers 245; not in STC)