数量[8] p., 46 leaves, 40, [7]-53 p., [20] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 42 cm.
並列タイトル等Die Kupferstichwiedergabe von Codex Vindobonensis 338.
一般注記German or Latin.
Photoreprint of Copia manuscripti Aureae bullae Caroli IV (pref. omitted) and Aureae bullae versio Germanica, originally issued as 2d and 3d appendices to Tractatio de Bulla aurea, by H. G. Thülemeyer, published in Frankfurt am Main by J. M. Bencard in 1697. Also included are 20 selected col. plates and a commentary by A. Wolf, with title: Die Goldene Bulle, König Wenzels Handschrift, from the facsim. ed. of ms. 338 of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek published in Graz by the Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt in 1977.
Title page information on successive leaves; p. [3], descriptive of contents, begins: Heinrich Günther Thülemeyer, Die Kupferstichwiedergabe von Codex Vindobonensis 338 ...
The Copia manuscripti ... is a transcript by Thülemeyer of the text of the Bulla aurea from ms. 338; the copper engravings included in the 1697 work reproduce the illuminations of the ms.
書誌注記Bibliography: p. 48-53 at end.