目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ ix Section 14: Event-Related Brain Potentials and Cognition (R. Johnson Jr.) 1. The recording and analysis of event-related potentials/ 3 2. Event-related potentials in human selective attention research/ 75 3. Electrophysiological insights into language deficits/ 105 4. Event-related potential insights into the neurobiology of memory systems/ 135 5. Cognitive event-related potentials: intracranial and lesion studies/ 165 6. The role of event-related potentials in the study of normal and abnormal cognitive development/ 187 7. Cognition in the elderly: an event-related potential perspective/ 213 8. Event-related potential insights into altered sensory and cognitive processing in dementia/ 241 9 Event-related potential measures of cognitive deficits following closed head injury/ 269 10. Cognitive deficits in psychopathology: insights from event-related potentials/ 299 Section 15: Positron Emission Tomography and Neurobehavior (J.C. Baron) 11. Brain metabolism: measurement and correlates with neuropsychological performance/ 331 12. Methodology of activation paradigms/ 369 13. rCBF studies of prefrontal function and their relevance to psychosis/ 383 14. PET imaging of human motor performance and learning/ 405 15. Studies of language processes using positron emission tomography/ 423 16. Neuroimaging studies of memory: theory and recent PET results/ 439 17. Functional neuroimaging of the aging brain/ 467 18. PET investigations in the non-human primate in relation to neuropsychology: methodological issues/ 483 Index/ 493
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 12: The Frontal Lobes ( 1. The frontal lobes: a historical sketch/ 3 2. Comparative architectonic analysis of the human and the macaque frontal cortex/ 17 3. Frontal lobes and working memory: evidence from investigations of the effects of cortical excisions in nonhuman primates/ 59 4. The contribution of imaging techniques to current knowledge of the frontal lobes/ 83 5. Development of the concept of 'executive function' and its relationship to the frontal lobes/ 125 6. Experimental neuropsychological studies of frontal lobe functions/ 149 7. Alternative frameworks for the conceptualization of prefrontal lobe functions/ 187 8. The frontal lobes in neuropsychiatric disorders/ 203 9. The anarchic hand: a fronto-mesial sign/ 233 Section 13: Computational Modelling and Neuropsychology ( 10. Introduction: methodologies for the computer modeling of human cognitive processing/ 259 11. Cognitive modularity: computational division of labor in the brain/ 263 12. Visual motion: computational analysis, physiology and perception/ 279 13. Connectionist models in neuropsychology/ 297 14. Structured connectionist models and spatial concept learning/ 335 15. Emergent cognition/ 347 16. Adapting human functional architectures and behaviors for intelligent machines/ 361 17. Planning, neuropsychology and artificial intelligence: cross-fertilization/ 377 18. Task-independent constraints on a unified theory of cognition/ 393 19. Computational models of cognition/ 409 Index/ 427
目次Contents Preface/ v List of Contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ ix Section 11: Memory, Dementia, Perception of Time, Music and Faces I. Memory 1. When working memory does not work: the role of working memory in neuropsychology/ 1 2. Implicit memory in normal human subjects/ 63 3. Implicit tests of memory in patients with focal lesions or degenerative brain disorders/ 133 4. Impairments of autobiographical memory/ 175 5. The neuropsychology of semantic memory/ 193 6. The neuropsychology of remote memory/ 215 7. Prospective memory: a 'new' memory system?/ 239 II. Dementia 8. Four neuropsychological profiles in dementia/ 253 9. Mechanisms underlying semantic-lexical disorders in Alzheimer's disease/ 283 10. The non-Alzheimer degenerative dementias/ 295 11. Noncognitive behavioral alterations in dementia syndromes/ 315 III. Perception of Time, Music and Faces 12. The neuropsychology of human temporal information processing/ 339 13. Specificity for music/ 373 14. Amusia/ 391 15. Failures of face processing in normal and brain-damaged subjects/ 411 Index/ 437
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 10: Child Neuropsychology (continued) ( VII. Sensorimotor Functions and their Disorders (continued) 1. Visual perception/ 1 2. Cognitive development in visually impaired children/ 15 3. Central auditory function and disorders/ 33 4. The cognitive development of deaf children: recent insights/ 51 VIII. Language and its Disorders 5. Early language development and its neural correlates/ 69 6. Developmental language disorders/ 111 7. Acquired aphasias in children/ 139 IX. Academic Disorders of School-Age Children 8. Developmental dyslexia/ 163 9. Patterns of atypical reading development: attributes and underlying reading processes/ 187 10. Developmental dyscalculia/ 211 X. Memory and its Disorders 11. Memory, cognition and learning: developmental and ecological considerations/ 223 12. Disorders of memory and learning/ 241 XI. Attention and Its Disorders 13. Development of attention and metacognition/ 261 14. Disorders of attention in children/ 279 15. The development of frontal-lobe functions/ 309 XII. Mood, Drive, Appetitive Behaviors and their Disorders 16. Mood, affect, and their disorders in children and adolescents/ 331 17. Disorders of appetite/ 357 18. Neuropsychological consequences of substance abuse/ 373 XIII. Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Psychoses 19. The clinical syndrome of autism/ 401 20. Childhood-onset schizophrenia/ 443 XIV. Convulsive Disorders 21. The neuropsychology of childhood seizure disorders/ 457 Index/ 471
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 10: Child Neuropsychology (I. Rapin I. Introduction 1. Child neuropsychology: nature and scope/ 3 II. The Immature Brain: Development and Damage 2. Normal and abnormal development of the brain/ 11 3. The emergence of a neuropsychology of normal development: rapprochement between neuroscience and developmental psychology/ 45 4. Plasticity and recovery of higher cognitive functions following early brain injury/ 73 5. Developmental and acquired disorders of childhood/ 93 6. The genetics of handedness, cerebral dominance, and lateralization/ 115 7. Left-handedness/ 145 III. Epidemiological Considerations 8. Developmental disorders of cerebral function: epidemiologic principles and pitfalls/ 211 IV. Assessment of Brain Structure and Function: Usefulness for Child Neuropsychology 9. EEG and topographic brain mapping/ 225 10. Event-related potentials in developmental neuropsychology/ 239 11. Neuroimaging in child neuropsychology/ 301 12. Cerebral single photon emission tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) during development and in learning disorders/ 331 V. Behavioral Assessment 13. Conceptual and psychometric issues in the neuropsychologic assessment of children: measurement of ability discrepancy and change/ 341 14. Neuropsychological assessment in infancy/ 353 15. The neuropsychological assessment of the preschool child: a branching model/ 377 16. Neuropsychological assessment of school-aged children/ 395 VI. Cognition and its Disorders 17. Developmental neuropsychology: lessons from cognitive development/ 419 18. Mental retardation: current issues related to assessment/ 439 VII. Sensorimotor Functions and their Disorders 19. Disorders of motor function and control/ 455 20. Disorders of somatosensory perception in children/ 477 Index/ 495
目次Contents Preface/ v List of Contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 8: Aging and Dementia (continued) (S. Corkin) 1. The epidemiology of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease/ 3 2. Subgroups of dementia: methodological issues and applications to Alzheimer's disease/ 15 3. Pathological and chemical correlates of dementia/ 29 4. Nuclear magnetic resonance: principles and applications to neuroscience research/ 39 5. Treatment strategies in primary degenerative dementias/ 57 6. The role of attention disorders in the cognitive deficits of dementia/ 79 7. Age-related changes in memory: learning and remembering new information/ 123 8. Differential effects of aging and age-related neurological diseases on memory subsystems of the brain/ 149 9. Motor function in aging and neurodegenerative disease/ 167 10. Cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease/ 195 11. Cognitive impairments in Huntington's disease: insights into the neuropsychology of the striatum/ 241 12. The neurology and neuropsychology of HLV infection/ 265 Section 9: Cognitive, Methodological and Practical Approaches (J. Grafman 13. The role of cognitive theory in neuropsychological research/ 287 14. Language processing and language disorders as revealed through studies of syntactic comprehension/ 311 15. Current methodological issues in human neuropsychology/ 343 16. Neuropsychology in its daily practice: past and present/ 379
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 7: The Commissurotomized Brain (Nebes) 1. The commissurotomized brain/ 3 2. Commissurotomy studies in animals/ 9 3. Integrative functions of the cerebral commissures/ 49 4. Neuropsychological sequelae of partial commissurotomy/ 85 5. Agenesis of the corpus callosum/ 99 6. Language functions in the two hemispheres following complete cerebral commissurotomy and hemispherectomy/ 115 7. Memory and spatial cognition following commissurotomy/ 151 Section 8: Aging and Dementia (Part 1) (Corkin) 8. Animal models of age-related cognitive decline/ 169 9. Brain imaging and cerebral metabolism/ 197 10. Olfaction/ 213 11. Vision and aging/ 229 12. Language in normal aging and age-related neurological diseases/ 251 13. Spatial abilities and deficits in aging and age-related disorders/ 265 14. Abstract thought in aging and age-related neurological disease/ 279 15. Aging and age-related neurological disease: remote memory/ 311 16. Psychiatric symptoms in dementia: interaction of affect and cognition/ 325 17. Sleep in the dementing disorders/ 335 18. Longitudinal studies of aging and age-associated dementias/ 349 19. Statistical practice in aging and dementia research/ 365 Index/ 377
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 5: Memory and its Disorders (Squire) 1. Neuropsychological assessment of learning and memory/ 3 2. Disorders of memory: the cognitive science perspective/ 35 3. Frontal lobes and memory/ 75 4. Memory disorders associated with temporal-lobe lesions/ 91 5. Diencephalic amnesia/ 107 6. Amnesia caused by herpes simplex encephalitis, infarctions in basal forebrain, Alzheimer's disease and anoxia/ischemia/ 149 7. Transient global amnesia/ 167 8. Memory deficit after closed head injury/ 183 9. Functional amnesia/ 209 10. Models and methods of memory rehabilitation/ 233 11. Pharmacological treatment of memory disorders/ 247 Section 6: Emotional Behavior and its Disorders (Gainotti) 12. Theories of emotions and neuropsychological research/ 271 13. Anatomical substrate of emotional reactions/ 283 14. Neurochemical basis of emotional behavior/ 305 15. Ictal and interictal manifestations of emotions in epilepsy/ 315 16. Disorders of emotions and affect in patients with unilateral brain damage/ 345 17. Asymmetries in recognition of emotion/ 363 18. Facial expression of emotion/ 383 19. Arousal and emotions/ 403 20. Laterality and emotion: an electrophysiological approach/ 419 21. Neuropsychological mechanisms of anxiety and depression/ 443 22. Psychopathology and hemispheric specialization: left hemisphere dysfunction in schizophrenia, psychopathy, hysteria and the obsessional syndrome/ 477 Index/ 495
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 3: Language, Aphasia and Related Disorders (continued) (Goodglass) 1. Neuroimaging contributions to the understanding of aphasia/ 3 2. Clinical-anatomical correlations of aphasia following predominantly subcortical lesions/ 47 3. Therapy of aphasia/ 67 4. Recovery in aphasia/ 83 5. Electrophysiological correlates of language: stimulation mapping and evoked potential studies/ 91 6. Bilingual and polyglot aphasia/ 117 7. Artistry after unilateral brain disease/ 141 8. Sign-language aphasia/ 157 9. Aphasia in left-handers and crossed aphasia/ 173 10. Non-verbal conceptual impairment in aphasia/ 185 11. Disorders of body awareness and body knowledge/ 207 12. Motor control/ 229 13. Apraxia/ 245 Section 4: Disorders of Visual Behavior (Damasio) 14. Neural mechanisms of visual processing in monkeys/ 267 15. The neurophysiology of spatial vision/ 301 16. Disorders of visual recognition/ 317 17. Disorders of visuospatial analysis/ 333 18. Neglect: hemispheric specialization, behavioral components and anatomical correlates/ 357 19. Blindsight/ 375 20. Constructional apraxia/ 387 21. The neuropsychology of mental imagery/ 395 22. Astereopsis/ 415 Index/ 429
目次Contents Preface/ v List of contributors/ vii Acknowledgements/ xi Section 1: Introduction (Boller and Grafman) 1. Neuropsychology: past, present and future/ 1 2. The bedside mental status examination/ 29 3. Neuropsychological tests and assessment technique/ 47 4. Some theoretical and methodological issues in neuropsychological research/ 69 5. Methodological issues in neuropsychology: classification, and non-equivalent group comparisons/ 83 6. Cerebral dominance - contributions of anatomy/ 111 7. Cerebral specialization: clinical and experimental assessment/ 143 Section 2: Attention (Rizzolatti) 8. Introduction/ 163 9. Confusional states and delirium as disorders of attention/ 165 10. Orienting of attention/ 175 11. Hemineglect in humans/ 195 12. Mechanisms and theories of spatial neglect/ 223 Section 3: Language and Aphasia (Goodglass) 13. Historical perspective on concepts of aphasia/ 249 14. Classical syndromes of aphasia/ 267 15. Auditory comprehension in aphasia/ 281 16. Naming and its disorders/ 307 17. Repetition in aphasia: implications for models of language processing/ 329 18. Approaches to speech production deficits in aphasia/ 349 19. Paraphasia and jargon/ 367 20. Acquired alexia/ 377 21. Agraphia/ 393 22. Acalculia/ 415 Index/ 433
- 資料種別
- 図書
- ISBN(セット)
- 0444904921 (set : alk. paper)
- 出版年月日等
- 1988-
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1988
- 数量
- v. : ill. ; 27 cm.
- 出版地(国名コード)
- NL
- 本文の言語コード
- eng