刊行巻次・年月次Fiscal year 2001-fiscal year 2009
並列タイトル等Annual report on trends in forest and forestry. Summary
Annual report on trends in forests and forestry. Summary
Annual report on trends of forest and forestry. Summary
一般注記Description based on the latest issue
Title: Annual report on trends of forest and forestry. Summary (fiscal year 2001-fiscal year 2005) ; Annual report on trends in forests and forestry. Summary (<fiscal year 2006>) ; Annual report on trends in forest and forestry. Summary (<fiscal year 2008>)
所蔵巻次・年月次(所蔵事項)Fiscal year 2001-fiscal year 2009
改題前継続前 : Annual Report on Trends of Forestry. Summary
改題後継続後 : Annual report on forest and forestry in Japan. Summary