タイトルよみセイレイ クリストファー ダイガク シャカイ フクシ ガクブ キヨウ
出版表示等に関する注記2号から10号までの出版者: 聖隷学園聖隷クリストファー大学
並列タイトル等Bulletin, Social Welfare Department, Seirei Christopher College Bulletin, Social Welfare Department, Seirei Christopher College
Bulletin, Social Welfare Department, Seirei Christopher College
Bulletin, Department of Social Work, Seirei Christopher College
Bulletin, School of Social Work, Seirei Christopher University
Bulletin of the School of Social Work, Seirei Christopher University
その他のタイトル(キー・タイトル)Seirei Kurisutofa Daigaku Shakai Fukushi Gakubu kiyou
一般注記並列タイトル変遷: Bulletin, Department of Social Work, Seirei Christopher College (4号)→ Bulletin, School of Social Work, Seirei Christopher University (5号)→ Bulletin of the School of Social Work, Seirei Christopher University (6号-10号)