3rd workshop on higher luminosity B factories : August 6-7,2002,Shonan Village Center,Hayama,Japan (KEK proceedings ; 2002-17)
1. Machine Design of SuperKEKB/ 1
Y. Ohnishi
2. Basic Design and R&D items of Vacuum System for Higher Luminosity B-Factory/ 7
Y. Suetsugu
3. Status of the TOP Counter R&D/ 11
T. Iijima
4. Proposal for the BELLE Muon System Upgrade on the Basis of Scintillator Technique/ 18
M. Danilov||R. Mizuk||P. Pakhlov||V. Rusinov||E. Tarkovsky||I. Tikhomirov
5. study of Beam-beam effects in Super KEKB/ 31
K. Ohmi||M. Tawada