刊行巻次・年月次No. 201 (平成14年4/6月)-no. 268 (平成31年1/3月)
並列タイトル等Quarterly report on the unincorporated enterprise survey Quarterly report on the unincorporated enterprise survey
Quarterly report on the unincorporated enterprise survey
Quarterly report on the unincorporated enterprise survey. Trend survey
Quarterly and annual report on the unincorporated enterprise survey. Trend survey
その他のタイトル(キー・タイトル)Kojin kigyou keizai chousa houkoku. Doukouhen
一般注記並列タイトル変遷: Quarterly report on the unincorporated enterprise survey. Trend survey (no. 213-no. 219)→ Quarterly and annual report on the unincorporated enterprise survey. Trend survey (no. 220-no. 268)
所蔵巻次・年月次(所蔵事項)No. 201 (平成14年4/6月)-no. 268 (平成31年1/3月)
改題後合併後 : 個人企業経済調査報告 / 総務省統計局 編 (ISSN:2436-1658)