State-of-the-art-program on compound semiconductors (SOTAPOCS 35) : proceedings of the international symposium. : 35th state-of-the-art program on compound semiconductor : Sep 2001, San Francisco, CA. (PV ; 2001-20)
State-of-the-art-program on compound semiconductors (SOTAPOCS 35) : proceedings of the international symposium. : 35th state-of-the-art program on compound semiconductor : Sep 2001, San Francisco, CA.
Papers."Electronics Division" -- t. p."The thirty-fifth State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXXV) will be held at the 2001 J...
"The thirty-fifth State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXXV) will be held at the 2001 Joint Meeting of the 200th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, and the 52nd Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry, " -- preface.