Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans; biology and distribution. (Biologiya i rasprostranenie ryb Tikhogo i Indiiskogo okeanov) T.S. Rass, editor. Translated from Russian [by Laurence Penny, Edith Roden, and Era Roifer]. (Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Transactions of the Institute of Oceanology, v. 73)
Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans; biology and distribution. (Biologiya i rasprostranenie ryb Tikhogo i Indiiskogo okeanov) T.S. Rass, editor. Translated from Russian [by Laurence Penny, Edith Roden, and Era Roifer].
(Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Transactions of the Institute of Oceanology, v. 73)