数量4 v. maps (part. fold.) 26 cm.
一般注記Paged continuously.
Vol. 4: Printed for H. M. Stationery office by Harrison and sons.
[v.] 1. Preface. Table of contents to v. 1, 2 and 3. No. 1-137, 1814-1827.- [v.] 2. No. 138-356, 1828-1863.- [v.] 3. No. 357-451, 1864-1875. Appendix. List of treaties, & c. between Great Britain and foreign powers for the maintenance of the peace of Europe and for the settlement of European questions. 1814-1875. Index [to v. 1-3].- [v.] 4. [No. 452-625] 1875-1891.