The duties of constables, borsholders, tithing men [by] William Lambard. (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 176)
The duties of constables, borsholders, tithing men [by] William Lambard.
(The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 176)
S.T.C. no. 15145.Original t.p. reads: The duties of constables, borsholders, tithingmen, and such other low ministers of the peace. Whereunto be also ...
Original t.p. reads: The duties of constables, borsholders, tithingmen, and such other low ministers of the peace. Whereunto be also adioyned the seueral offices of churchwardens ... Imprinted at London by Rafe Newberie and Henrie Middleton. 1583.