一般注記Originally issued in 17 parts: fasc. 1-4 (t. 1) 1850-54; fasc. 5-8 (t. 2) 1855-56; fasc. 9 (t. 3, p. 1-160, Melchiori-Pencz) 1858; publication suspended until 1887; fasc. 10-17 (t. 3, p. 625, and t. 4, Pencz-Zylvelt) 1887-[1889] 1890.
Fasc, 1-9: Paris, P. Jannet, 1850-1858; fasc. 10-17: Paris, É. Vieweg et É. Bouillon, 1887-89, É. Bouillon, 1889-[1890] In the present copy new title-pages are prefixed to t. 1-3 with the imprint: Paris, É. Bouillon.