Pregnancy and childbearing during adolescence : a research priorities for the 1980s : proceedings of a conference held October 5-7, 1980, at Canandaigua, New York / sponsored by March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and University of Rochester Medical Center ; editors, Elizabeth R. McAnarney, Gabriel Stickle ; associate editor, Natalie W. Paul ; assistant editor, Sue Conde Greene. (Birth defects original article series ; v. 17, no. 3)
Pregnancy and childbearing during adolescence : a research priorities for the 1980s : proceedings of a conference held October 5-7, 1980, at Canandaigua, New York / sponsored by March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and University of Rochester Medical Center ; editors, Elizabeth R. McAnarney, Gabriel Stickle ; associate editor, Natalie W. Paul ; assistant editor, Sue Conde Greene.
(Birth defects original article series ; v. 17, no. 3)