数量3 p. l., 3-5 p., facsim. [40] p. illus. 24 cm.
一般注記Facsimile has title: Here begynneth a lyttell story that was of a trwethe done in the lande of Gelders of a mayde that was named Mary of Nēmegen y was the dyuels paramoure by the space of .vij. yere long. Colophon: Thus endeth this lytell treatyse Jmprynted at Anwarpe by me John̄ Duisbrowghe dwellynge besyde the camer porte.
"The English and the Dutch versions of this story are undated, but from the type and printing devices used both are assigned to 1518-19. Hence a question has arisen as to the priority of the two versions. Some scholars regard the English version as an adaptation of the Dutch play, and others claim that both are based upon a now lost Dutch prose original."--Introd.