Production and mineral cycling in terrestrial vegetation [by] L. E. Rodin and N. I. Bazilevich; translated [from the Russian] by Scripta Technica Ltd., English translation edited by G. E. Fogg.
Production and mineral cycling in terrestrial vegetation [by] L. E. Rodin and N. I. Bazilevich; translated [from the Russian] by Scripta Technica Ltd., English translation edited by G. E. Fogg.
Translation of Dinamika organicheskogo veshchestva i biologicheskiĭ krugovorot zol'nykh ėlementov i azota v osnovnykh tipakh rastitel'nosti zemnogo sh...
Translation of Dinamika organicheskogo veshchestva i biologicheskiĭ krugovorot zol'nykh ėlementov i azota v osnovnykh tipakh rastitel'nosti zemnogo shara.