Design, inspection, and operation of high pressure vessels and piping systems : presented at the Joint Conference of the Pressure Vessels and Piping, Materials, Nuclear Engineering, Solar Energy Divisions, Denver, Colorado, June 21-25, 1981 / sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; edited by J.R. Sims. (PVP ; v. 48)
Design, inspection, and operation of high pressure vessels and piping systems : presented at the Joint Conference of the Pressure Vessels and Piping, Materials, Nuclear Engineering, Solar Energy Divisions, Denver, Colorado, June 21-25, 1981 / sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; edited by J.R. Sims.
Hyper pressure chamber closure system with flat seals / G. OestreichThermally induced leaks in high pressure low density polyethylene piping joints / ...