一般注記Biographies of prominent Germans from the earliest period to the end of the 19th century, edited by R. v. Liliencron, assisted until 1897 by F. X. v. Wegele; v. 54 edited by A. Bettelheim, v. 55 by the "Historische Commission." cf. Pref. to v. 1, 45, 54, 55 and 56.
Title of v. 1-8 reads: Allgemeine [etc.] auf Veranlassung und mit Unterstützung Seiner Majestaet Königs von Bayern Maximilian II. hrsg. durch die Historische Commission bei der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. This phrase is printed in roman capital letters and divided by title vignette coat of arms of Maximilian II.
"Nachträge bis 1899": v. 45-55 (v. 55, p. 427-662, p. 662-887) includes two "Nachträge".
Beginning with v. 27 (1888) each volume has an alphabetical index; the index of v. 27 includes the articles of v. 1-27.
"Generalregister" by Fritz Gerlich: v. 56.