経緯度(W 980「ウ」--W 880「ウ」/N 290「ウ」--N 380「ウ」)
一般注記Relief shown by contours and spot heights
Depth shown by soundings
Revised by U.S. Army Engineer District, Vicksburg, Corps of Engineers
Edited and published by the Mississippi River Commission, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Includes location and MRC map series diagrams
Physical description for original version: 5 maps ; on sheets 61 x 86 cm
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: Vicksburg, Miss. : Mississippi River Commission, Corps of Engineers, 1984
SUPTDOC番号: D 103.49/3: M 69/NH 16-4/ser.1-5
GPO管理番号: 334-C-1
請求記号YCA-D 103.49/3:M 69/NH 16-4/ser.1-5