Evaluation of the hydrologic system and potential effects of mining in the Dickinson lignite area, eastern Slope and western Stark and Hettinger counties, North Dakota / by C.A. Armstrong ; prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Geological Survey water-resources investigations report ; 84-4194)
Evaluation of the hydrologic system and potential effects of mining in the Dickinson lignite area, eastern Slope and western Stark and Hettinger counties, North Dakota / by C.A. Armstrong ; prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Physical description for original version: v, 35 p. : 28 cm
Bibliography: p. 34-35
原資料の出版事項: Bismarck, N.D. ; Denver, CO : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey : Open-File Services Section, Western Distribution Branch, [1984]