並列タイトル等Report on thirty CFR part 50
Informational report on notifying MSHA of accidents, injuries, illnesses, and employment
一般注記Title on transmittal sheet: Informational report on notifying MSHA of accidents, injuries, illnesses, and employment
Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche
Physical description for original version: ii, 49 p. : 28 cm
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: Denver, Colo. : Safety and Health Technology Center, 1986
SUPTDOC番号: L 38.17/2: 86-6 C and 86-3 M
GPO管理番号: 637-K-3 (microfiche)
請求記号YCA-L 38.17/2:86-6 C and 86-3 M