並列タイトル等N.I.M.H. D.I.R.P. ... annual report
NIMH DIRP ... annual report
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation: Oct. 1, 1982-Sept. 30, 1983-
Oct. 1, 1985-Sept. 30, 1986
Report year ends Sept. 30
Published in 2 vols., <1982-1983->
Physical description for original version: v. ; 28 cm
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: [Rockville, Md.] : The Division, [1984-
Continues: Annual report, mental health intramural research program--Division of Clinical and Behavioral Research, Division of Biological and Biochemical Research, and Division of Special Mental Health Research
ISSN: 07476531
SUPTDOC番号: HE 20.8136: 985-86/v.1
GPO管理番号: 507-B-36 (microfiche)
請求記号YCA-HE 20.8136:985-86/v.1