並列タイトル等Selected abstracts on mammalian cell transformation systems
一般注記Cover title: Selected abstracts on mammalian cell transformation systems: applications in the study of multistage chemical carcinogenesis
Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche
"September 1988"--Cover
Physical description for original version: x, 130, 14, 6 p. ; 28 cm
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: Bethesda, MD ; Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, International Cancer Research Data Bank : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [distributor, 1988]
SUPTDOC番号: HE 20.3173/3: OK-88/04
GPO管理番号: 507-G-16 (microfiche)
請求記号YCA-HE 20.3173/3:OK-88/04